Just the same as everyone else in the free world having purchased GTA IV in the early hours of Tuesday morning I sat mesmerised at my screen way into the break of dawn the following day. Difference being from the vast majority of the population that apart from the occasional annoyance of eating & sleeping that I didn't stop. By the early hours of Sunday morning I had completed the game's story mode (and obtained an 80% overall completion rating).
Here's a daily timeline from notes I kept of game events and my thoughts that coincided with them happening. I should of course mention at this point there are some HUGE SPOILERS contained within. I therefore recommend reading this only after completing the story for yourself.
Tuesday 29Th:
Intro graphics start, familiar pictures from the pre-marketing. Like the way they subtly move from side to side, nice effect. Impressed with the theme music, seems suitable in that it's not overly biased towards one particular genre of music.
After the introduction and having met
Roman, investigated the 'mansion'. The TV in particular seems to be a clever extra. Shows actually seem to play in real time according to the game clock all of which are quite amusing. The controls are somewhat difficult to get acquainted with. Nico seems to have a certain weight distribution as he walks somewhat similar to
Assassins Creed.
Driving the first car in the game is a shock. Certainly very different from the previous games in the series. The cars all handle with a lot of over steer making careful/gentle breaking when taking a corner a necessity rather than an afterthought. The game itself seems to be introducing the new concepts quite proficiently towards me, for example; the idea of how the cellphone is used and works in context seems rather natural.
Introduced to the game's new Melee combat system. Not impressed with the targeting lock-on, doesn't seem any better than the previous games in this concern. After finally managing to get it selecting the person closest to me I attempted the 'counter' and so-forth. This seems quite impressive, don't see how much use it'll actually be though in real game terms.
A few missions in, starting to understand the relationship between Nico & Roman. Despite their attitude towards each other it's clear that they are both glad to be reunited with each other.
Took Michelle to the bowling alley, somewhat similar to the dates in GTA:SA but a lot more in depth. Bowling is actually considerably harder than it first appears, while not a full game in itself at least it's not just pressing a singular button so not terrible by any means. I don't think Wii Sports should be too concerned. Further intrigued by the various side activities I try my hand at darts (far too easy) and pool (far too hard). I can understand why perhaps an American audience wouldn't understand the concept of playing Darts but they could have perhaps made it a little more challenging?
The pool mini game has the basics in terms of multiple camera angles and the ability to determine where you hit the cue ball. However, it doesn't provide you with a theoretical line for any contact the cue ball might make. Therefore any shot you play is as much guesswork as it is positional strategy which makes it far harder than it should be. Cub3d seems straight forward and playable enough, very similar to the kind of puzzle game you'd find on XBLA.
Met the first of the game's 'friend characters' a Jamaican by the name of
Little Jacob. Thought perhaps a little bit stereotypical but the patois seems to be
quite accurate if maybe slightly overused.
Wednesday 30Th
Killing Ivan was quite exciting, liked the 'execution' you can perform. Story seems to be getting quite interesting at this point too, especially amused at the situation within Faustins house. Jumped a little when the guy with the hacksaw got shot, crazy!
Having gone to the cabaret club, some of the acts are hilariously ridiculous. Rockstar seem to have done an amazing job at portraying how bad some of
these performances can be. Completed the side-mission courier jobs for Little Jacob. Very repetitive, but then as a side-mission I didn't really expect anything grandioso and there is only ten of them so it wasn't overly annoying. It does however have the side-effect of increasing his friendship with me. So much so that after a quick phone call he'll now drive to me and sell me guns out the back of his car. I take him to Clucking Bell as a thank-you. All Jamaicans like
jerk chicken right?
Logged on to the game's in-built Internet at the 'Tw@ Bar' and it's astounding. Rather than feel like an extra it actually seems like a living world of it's own. Full of ads, websites related to in game events/content/spoof advertising you name it and it's there. Spent a while reading fake websites for
'Burger Shot' (Burger King) and 'MyRoom' (MySpace). Both hilarious and spot on to the bone in their satire.
Introduced to Romans friend
'Brucie'. Another stereotypical over the top GTA character but you can't help but laugh at his over enthusiasm for everything. Especially his obsession with being 'alpha male' and how he'll just suddenly burst into ridiculous exercises for no apparent reason.
Moving on in the story, having thought 'Little Jacob' was over the top. 'Real Badman' is even worse. Obviously, he's over the top for comedic effect and you can sympathise with Nico's inability to understand a word that he says. Starting to get used to the shooting system within the game. I find the cover system far too sticky however, doesn't seem as free flowing and controllable as games like
Drakes Fortune or
Gears Of War are. A certain annoyance with this is starting to creep into my overall game play experience.
Dimitri asking me to kill Faustin wasn't a huge surprise, could see that one building up a mile off.
The mission itself seemed a little anti-climatic, perhaps due to the ease of which you can kill Faustin's goons. The lock-on feature with the game makes it way-way to easy to kill people with head shots. Seems that the only real challenge in combat is getting yourself into some cover without the AI fucking up and placing you somewhere else in the line of fire.
Brucie introduced me to the police computers inside cop-cars, which functions as activating slightly more detailed vigilante missions from previous GTA's in the series. I also complete fetching some cars that he asks for via the in game E-mail. The models he ask for don't seem all that exotic to me but it's work easy enough done. Same as Jacob, this now means he wants to ferry me around in his helicopter, seems to take a bit too long to be as useful as Jacobs ability though.
A slightly more exciting mission occurs involving Dimitri's double-cross. A firefight with Jacob backing you up inside a warehouse is a tad more exciting then going it alone. You worry more about Jacobs condition as well being a 'friend' providing him with adequate covering fire in case he should get killed. Breaking your way through the police afterwards was also especially nerve wracking. One of the higher points of the game so far.
So at this point Romans had his business and apartment torched down by Dimitri and you actually feel genuinely upset for him as he places the blame on Nico during their escape drive from Hove Beach. It's not long before I'm introduced to some new characters via Romans girlfriend. These include Manny who pretends to 'down with the street' to attempt to land himself a TV-show. Elizabeta, some fat mouthy woman who seems to be in control of the areas drug trade from her scummy tower-block apartment, Playboy-X a real 'thug-playa' like character and Patrick (Packie) who just seems to be some young American-Irish chancer.
Manny is completely unlikeable as a character, but it seems Nico doesn't like him either so perhaps that's the design intention. Packie on the other hand is a complete opposite. For once in a GTA game they don't seem to have over-empathised his ethnicity and he just comes across as a genuine (albeit dodgy & violent) bloke you might make friends with yourself considering Nico's circumstances.
A particularly enjoyable mission I perform for Brucie is named 'Out Of The Closet'. Here you have to lure someone using the in-game Internet site 'Love Meet' to a date so that (obviously) you can kill them. I thought this was quite inventive and more entertaining then the usual drive to-from missions your presented with. Also entertaining was the scene where Elizabeta kills Manny & his cameraman after trying to bust in on her inevitable arrest, totally unexpected but you can't help think "thank-god for that".
I performed a few more missions for Playboy X, such as using the camera functionality on your cell phone to certify a hit which was interesting. Packie's brother from the other side of the tracks as it were (Francis) also starts to contact you offering work. You soon learn that Playboy's ex-partner in crime (Dwayne) is released and none are two happy with each other's perceived loyalty towards the other.
Also at this time it turns out that Michelle is actually an undercover spook named Kate which makes sense of why all the furniture in her house was brand new from earlier. Packie also introduces you to his family and his sister Kate who has the hots for Niko.
It's not too long before both ask you to kill the other and your split between choosing between someone who'll obviously be lucrative in terms of money or if you should do the right thing as it were and punish Playboy X for being a crappy friend towards Dwayne. I liked this idea of choice it certainly made me think which would be better for me.
Hating people who act like playa's in RL I decided to waste Playboy. It probably wasn't the smartest move in terms of earning money but I suppose I felt vindicated that I did the right thing by Dwayne. Impressive that the game's friendship system makes a choice like this feel so important.
Packie and his brothers invite me along to a bank heist which is probably the most fun mission in the game so far. Throughout proceedings there's a real sense of drama (such as when Michael gets shot) and tension as you desperately run through back alleys trying to escape from the police. After what seems like an eternity I finally manage to escape back to Packies house and find myself $25k richer with my share of the loot, result!
After being introduced to the rest of Packies family, Derrick the heroin addict and Gerry the criminal psychopath I perform a few more jobs for them and Michelle/Kate's employer.
It's not too long until another well thought out enjoyable job occurs in which I have to apply for a job at a solicitors office for Francis (again through the games Internet). After going to one of Liberty Cities more upmarket clothing outlets (Perseus) dressed appropriately for the interview with a rather fetching white shirt and pink tie, I go through the pretense of the interview with the receptionist. Arriving in the office I sit there listening to Mr Goldberg blabbering on about his company before waiting for the opportune moment to stand up and blast him away mid interview, not forgetting the desperate escape afterwards. It was awesome stuff.
A bunch of Italian Mafioso characters are introduced at this point which starts a story arch about a set of stolen diamonds. One named Ray seems to have quite a violent temper and sends me on a job where I have to dress as a refuge collector driving a dump truck around. Perhaps it's just me but I find it hard to care about Ray as a character and as his jobs aren't the most interesting of the one's performed so far (a museum shoot-out being somewhat under exhilarating) it starts to bring a bit of a lull to the proceedings.
A while later, I'm asked to make another live or die decision in the way of killing Francis or Derrick from a sniper spot. Finding it very difficult to feel sorry for a junkie like Derrick even though it was possibly the saintly path to take (Francis originally being the instigator in this event after all), I decided to blow Derricks brains out with the rifle. The upside of this was now being able to call on Francis to lower my police heat level with a simple phone call. I do however wonder what Derrick would have done for me if I had shot Francis instead?
Having finished with Rays jobs (thank goodness). I'm given the supposed location of the man that Nico's been talking about trying to find all throughout the game. Having tooled myself up and picked Roman up from out apartment, I drove over there anticipating a huge gun fight to discover it's actually a flaming camp gay guy from Nico's past named Bernie.
Bernie's a great character, akin to Brucie hugely stereotypical but hilarious at the same time.
Also pleased that Nico's portrayed as sympathetic to Bernie and his lifestyle rather than outward hostility which perhaps will enlighten a few of the morons who'll no doubt play the game.
One mission of Bernies, chasing a homophobe around middle park on a 'Faggio' with him squealing on the passenger seat definatly lightened up the game somewhat.
I bury Derrick with the rest of the McCreary clan after a rather ludicrous hearse chase including a bunch of bloody thirsty Albanians in tow and decide to call it a night.
I find myself settled into doing jobs for the mob. Namely a family called the Pegorino's based in Alderney. None of the jobs are too interesting, to counter the boredom I find myself escorting Packie & Kate to the Irish theme bars and getting drunk. Nico stumbling around in a stupor as the others spout nonsense and insults to him is brilliant. Finding it impossible to get towards a car let alone drive one I decide to use my mobile to call Roman for a cab. It's brilliant the way all these game mechanics can work together in situations like this.
Later on two rather fun missions occur. One involves Nico kidnapping a Don's daughter and having her trying to crash the car from the passenger seat (until Nico gives her a good ol' smack down). Watching her try to grab the wheel in the convertible and scratch at Nico is a far cry from the static in-car animations from previous games. The other job being a helicopter chase through the skyscrapers of Liberty City with Jacob shooting RPG's out the side. The city from a helicopter looks amazing, the amount of detail in the buildings and landscape is incredible.
Still finding it hard to care about the missions from Phil & Jimmy though. As they're not friends as such like other job givers it seems more of a task then actually performing a favour for them.
I'm introduced to this old guy in a hospital bed named Gravelli. Sensing the end game approaching I take on his tasks with a new vein of enthusiasm. Dressing up as a doctor and unplugging someones bedside drip inside an A&E was a highlight. Some other missions such as the shooting up the owner of a Korean restaurant and escorting a government official - not so much.
As expected the end game arrives with Gravelli's information on where I can find Darko. Not
Donnie Darko but apparently the real man that Nico's been searching for all this time.
I fetch Roman and head towards the airport expecting maybe a confrontation with Dimitri or at the least a shoot out with this Darko guy but instead I arrive stepping out my car to see him dumped, thrown out a van and gagged at my feet. This throws me off guard somewhat, surely this can't be the end of the game?
Darko explains he killed all your friends back in Europe for some pathetic sum of money and that he seems to be living a rather desperate life as a drug addict. Roman tries to convince you not to kill him and to let him go and once again I'm offered the option of sparing him. But I figured it'd do no harm in killing him so I shot him in the head, that'll earn him.
I get a phone call from Jimmy offering me one final job as it were. The catch is I can either have a mega payday by working again with the evil Dimitri or use this opportunity as a chance to kill him. Kate phones suggesting to kill him, Roman to forgive and complete the deal for the cash so they can all have a better life. I drove back and forth between the two points for a while. It was quite a touch choice, but I decided to go for the money. I didn't really like Kate and thought I could always kill Dimitri another time.
Needless to say Dimitri double crosses me again and me and Phil end up in a huge shoot out for inside a warehouse to retrieve the cash. After a good 20 minutes we emerge outside and I find myself a good 700k in pocket.
After driving around town unsure if the game has ended or not I receive a call from Roman inviting me to his wedding which he's not so subtly blathered on about the last couple of (in-game) days. Having driven to the church I see fat sweaty cousin Roman get hitched along with Brucie, Bernie & Jacob watching on.
All seems peachy I sit back expecting a happy ever after ending sequence and BAM.
Roman's shot, chaos everywhere. So this is the real end-game eh?!
You watch Niko morn over Roman and you feel kind of sorry for the guy as all your friends phone in their condolences, you wonder what might have happened instead if you'd killed Dimitri when given the chance?
It isn't long before Jacob decides that it's time for revenge. After both entering his car we blazed over to where Dimitri was holed up and blasted my way through an endless swarm of henchmen.
After a boat chase, jumping aboard a moving helicopter and finally plugging the bastard under the statue of happiness it's finally game-over.
I check the game progress report and notice my total game time as 42 hours. While it's true I could have cut that time considerably if for not playing the mini-games & side missions until completion. That's still 42 hours of attention that the game has provided for me.
While certainly there's negatives the positives still more than outweigh the title overall.
Now it's time for me to jump into the world of Multiplayer, but that'll be for another post..