Friday, 9 May 2008

Chill & Wii-lax (Until the GoW2 footage).

Yes everyone's waiting for the GoW2 footage, with such quotes as 'Made of Win!' & 'Woop! Woop!" summing up the community buzz. While gametrailers seem to have an 1/2 hour exclusivity deal, yes that's right a whole 30 minutes (as if the children aren't obsessed with re-posting everything they see on Veoh/YouTube within 30 seconds of broadcast). It'd seem everyones all excited like a group of spazzy sherbet dipping infants at the prospect of a chainsaw dueling Marcus Fenix returning in his gruff voiced, hunchbacked wonder.

To ease the stress of such a prominent evening in our lives, how about enjoying the BG music for Wii Sports in fabulous midi? Or maybe more relevant for the 360 that delightful matchmaking music menu you hear during Halo 3?

In someways I feel midi unites us all in that no matter what budget system you have, no matter white or black, rich or poor it'll always sound like guaranteed crap. That is apart from the Corneria theme from Starfox which will always be awesome (even more so in Mario Paint).

Anyway, back on topic. Enjoy this delightful countdown timer to GoW2 footage provided by Indeed, It's like millennium eve for us all over again with the reassurance that no matter how awesome the evening could turn out, the next day we'll all still be that little bit closer to death ♥.

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