As you are most likely aware, the lobby group MADD (Mothers Against Drink Driving) released the following statement condoning the inclusion and portrayal of drink driving in the game of the moment GTA IV. For those in the dark they go as far to call the game 'irresponsible against society' and suggest as such that the title be reclassified in American terms from mature towards AO (adults only) which would all but completely remove it from store shelves there. (Not that this is entirely a bad shout judging by some of the people who grace XBL's multiplayer).
Despite the various arguments that anyone who's actually played the game would already be aware about (E.g. that drink driving is more destructive for Niko then it is beneficial). Having completed the game myself there was a slightly more questionable activity throughout the proceedings that I thought would have been raised by now.
No, it's not the fact Niko's entering the country illegally, carjacking bystanders, concealing illegal weaponry, committing arson, murder & manslaughter on a daily basis. Who indeed doesn't indulge themselves in transporting weed from a dubious Jamaicans car strictly between 2pm-5am?.
I believe the understated real issue to be that game protagonist Niko Bellic continuously uses his cellphone while driving on the roads of Liberty City.
For those unaware of the law, use of a phone while driving can disburse you a hefty £60 fine and 3 points on your license. I also fail to see any hands-free kit or blue-tooth headset around his ear to lead you to believe that he has full control of the steering wheel while he's trying to comprehend LJ's rambling patois nonsense (or trying to care about the Ray/Phil Bell story arc).
I suggest therefore to keep future alarmist, publicity seeking, opportunistic lobby groups such as MADD happy. When Brucie calls to invite your participation in a joint venture down to the polygonal tit-tape club that you park your vehicle in a safe, legal location before taking that call.
Or alternatively you could contact MADD's publicity & marketing team to tell them to politely perhaps get a fucking clue?
Just make sure you're not drunk and in a moving vehicle when you do so.
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